Install TimeChamp & fix issue of nohup.out logs on Linux Ubuntu

timechamp success preview

If you have already download and tried to install TimeChamp then follow below steps

  • If you have already installed the application using Sudo command, please follow these steps to unlock the application and uninstall it.
    • Step 1: Run this command in the download folder by opening the terminal
      “sudo rm -r timechamp”
    • Step 2: Please follow this uninstallation guide and uninstall the application

Make sure to uninstall/delete the previous Time Champ application-related installers and files.
Delete all files/folders having word ‘timechamp’ from Home dir.
From file manager click Home and run Ctrl+H for show hidden files/folders and move in /.local and delete timechamp dir.
Download Agent from …, chose Interactive package.

Install Open Package

sudo apt-get install fuse libfuse2


sudo dpkg  -i libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb

Download TimeChamp

timechamp invitation link
download timechamp agent for linux
chose intractive version timechamp linux
read and accept timechamp policy
timechamp zip downloaded

Extract TimeChamp zip file

Extract zip, and move in to TimeChamp dir

sudo chmod +x timechamp-linux_64bit-setup.bash


Installation success

timechamp success preview
timechamp icon on linux home


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