Git Pull [–force] Git Push [–force] Git Revert and Git Reset –hard Tutorial

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Developers may manage and keep track of changes to their codebase with the aid of Git, a strong version control tool. The following are crucial Git commands that every developer should be familiar with:

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Git Pull

Git Pull: You can use this command to fetch and merge changes from a remote repository into your local branch. It’s a great command for keeping your local repository up to date with your collaborators’ latest modifications. (It’s a useful command for keeping your local repository up-to-date with the latest changes made by your collaborators.)

Git Pull –force

Git Pull –force: This command is similar to git pull, but it forces the merge regardless of whether or not there are conflicts. When using this command, be careful because it can override local changes that haven’t yet been committed.

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Git Push

Git Push: You can use this command to push your local changes to a remote repository. It’s a handy command for collaborating with people and keeping your remote repository up to date.

Git Push –force

Git Push –force: This command is similar to git push, but it forces the push regardless of conflicts. When using this command, be careful because it has the potential to override changes made by others on the remote repository.

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Git Revert

You can use this command to undo a previous commit by creating a new commit that reverses the modifications made in the previous commit. It’s a handy command for reverting changes that have previously been committed to a remote repository.

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Git Reset –hard

Git Reset –hard: This command allows you to reset your local branch to a previous commit. It’s a powerful command that can be used to undo changes made to your local repository, but be careful when using it, as it can permanently delete changes that haven’t been committed yet.

These Git commands are fundamental tools for developers to efficiently maintain their codebase and work with others. You may increase your development productivity and efficiency by studying and understanding these commands.


Images Credit Mohammed Nasser

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